Agreement on Italiano

Agreement on Italiano: A Comprehensive Guide

Agreement, also known as concordance, is a grammatical concept that refers to the matching of different parts of a sentence. In Italian, agreement is particularly important because it affects not only the noun and its adjective, but also the article and the verb.

To correctly use agreement in Italian, it is essential to understand the different grammatical categories involved. Let`s take a closer look:

Noun and Adjective Agreement

In Italian, the adjective always agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies. For example:

– Il gatto nero (the black cat) – in this case, both the article (il) and the adjective (nero) agree in gender and number with the noun (gatto).

– Le scarpe rosse (the red shoes) – here, the article (le) and the adjective (rosse) agree in gender and number with the plural noun (scarpe).

Article Agreement

The Italian language has two articles: il, lo (masculine singular), la (feminine singular), i, gli (masculine plural) and le (feminine plural). The article agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies. For example:

– Il ragazzo (the boy) – the article (il) agrees in gender and number with the noun (ragazzo).

– Le ragazze (the girls) – here, the article (le) agrees in gender and number with the plural noun (ragazze).

Verb Agreement

In Italian, the subject of a sentence determines the form of the verb. This means that the verb must agree in person and number with the subject of the sentence. For example:

– Io ho studiato (I have studied) – the verb (ho) agrees in person and number with the subject (io).

– Loro vanno a scuola (they go to school) – in this case, the verb (vanno) agrees in person and number with the plural subject (loro).

It is also important to note that some verbs have irregular forms in certain tenses, which must be memorized.

Exceptions to the Rule

As with any language, there are exceptions to the rule. In Italian, there are some instances where agreement is not required. These include:

– When referring to a group of people with different genders, such as “i ragazzi” (the boys and girls) – the masculine plural is used instead.

– When the adjective is used after the verb “essere” (to be), such as “la mela รจ rossa” (the apple is red) – no agreement is necessary.

– When using the indefinite article “un” (masculine singular) or “una” (feminine singular), no agreement is required.


Agreement on Italiano is a crucial aspect of the language that can greatly affect the meaning of a sentence. By understanding how to correctly match different grammatical categories, including noun and adjective, article, and verb agreement, you can effectively communicate in Italian. Remember that some exceptions to the rule exist, so it is important to practice and memorize these special cases as well.